Attachment theory and Probation Practice.

Ansbro, Maria (2019) Attachment theory and Probation Practice. The Magazine of the Probation Institute, 12.

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Probation practice should be informed by various subjects. During training probation officers (POs) learn about bits of psychology and sociology, social policy and law, and emerge with a range of models to inform supervision, notably motivational interviewing (a practical, usable model, despite the wobbly evidence for a ‘cycle of change’), desistance theory (a great strengthsbased antidote to a deficits model, but just what does it mean in practice?), cognitive behaviourism (an essential model to know about, but in practice a vast and complex school), all whilst adopting a pro-social demeanour based on behavioural principles, and adhering to a particular set of values - and of course attachment theory is in the mix as well. Trevithick1 described this as a veritable ‘knowledge mountain’.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: Attachment Theory, Probation Practice
Depositing User: RED Unit Admin
Date Deposited: 20 Aug 2019 12:27
Last Modified: 15 Jan 2025 10:28

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