Editorial for the Special Issue: London Design Festival at LCC

Milic, Nela, Biagioli, Monica and Grimaldi, Silvia (2019) Editorial for the Special Issue: London Design Festival at LCC. Organizational Aesthetics, 8 (2).

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Organizational Aesthetics is about how the five senses and artistry inform business, non-profit, and government organizations. We mean for both terms, aesthetics and organizational, to be understood broadly to include a range of topics. Examples are the use of arts-based methods in organizations, theoretical accounts of aesthetic phenomena in organizations such as beautiful (or grotesque) leadership, and the art about/in/behind organizations. In fact, we hope that authors and artists will take us to places we haven't even begun to describe here. The content of the journal is organized into four sections: Theory, Practice, Art, and Reviews. This special issue brings together work produced for the London Design Festival (LDF) by researchers at the Design School at London College of Communication within the University of the Arts London, UK.

Item Type: Article
Keywords: practice, pedagogy, design school, research, London Design Festival, London College of Communication
Depositing User: RED Unit Admin
Date Deposited: 07 Jan 2025 11:14
Last Modified: 07 Jan 2025 11:15
URI: https://bnu.repository.guildhe.ac.uk/id/eprint/19241

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