Items where Subject is "P Language and Literature > Creative Writing"

- Library of Congress Subject Areas (1141)
- P Language and Literature (54)
- Creative Writing (35)
- P Language and Literature (54)
Lee-Price, Simon (2022) Alice's Title. Otherwise Engaged: A Literature and Arts Journal, 9. pp. 259-264. ISSN 9798831971583
Lee-Price, Simon (2016) The Barber. Zero Flash.
Lee-Price, Simon (2022) Bedshare. In: Sleepwalk: Anthology of Horror Fiction. Culture Cult Press, pp. 139-154. ISBN 979-8794751123
Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Beechwood. Foreign Literary Journal, 1 (Winter). pp. 109-122.
Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Best Possible of Worlds. In: Hidden Histories. Third Flatiron Publishing, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 107-114.
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) The Caitlynn Effect. Five 2 One (17). pp. 111-117.
Lee-Price, Simon (2016) Cut. The Sirens Call (30). pp. 5-11.
Lee-Price, Simon (2021) Dark Home. In: Night Terrors Vol. 14: Short Horror Stories Anthology. Scare Street, pp. 131-142. ISBN 9798503031560
Lee-Price, Simon (2024) Dutiful Reader, or…. On_Culture (16). ISSN ISSN 2366-4142
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) The Dying of the Light. The Caribbean Writer (31). pp. 197-201.
Lee-Price, Simon (2020) Hit Return. Sein und Werden, Summer. pp. 9-11. ISSN 2046-8598
Lee-Price, Simon (2020) House Across the Street. In: Creeping Expansion. Creeping Expansion, pp. 54-56. ISBN 978 171 5914523
Lee-Price, Simon (2018) In (Social) Medias Res? Why Nicht?, 7. pp. 33-34. ISSN 978-3902752512
Lee-Price, Simon (2024) ‘I’m laughing to myself as I write this’: Speculations on an African Laughing Record in Henry Miller’s Tropic of Cancer (1934). In: London Conference in Critical Thought, 28-29 June 2024, Greenwich University. (Unpublished)
Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Just So. In: Tall Tales & Short Stories: A Flash Fiction Anthology. Escaped Ink, Nottingham, pp. 45-47. ISBN 978-1916230101
Lee-Price, Simon (2023) Likeness of a Murderer. In: Night Terrors: Short Horror Stories Anthology Vol.24. Scare Street, pp. 167-180. ISBN 979-8374039917
Lee-Price, Simon (2016) Minutes. The Interpreters House (64). pp. 61-6.
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) Mophead. In: Restless: An Anthology. Frith Books, Camborne, pp. 52-72. ISBN 978-1-521888797
Lee-Price, Simon (2023) Mr Chester. Vastarien: A Literary Journal, 6 (1). pp. 175-187. ISSN 9798218242770
Lee-Price, Simon (2018) The Night of the Patriarch. In: The Second Corona Book of Horror Stories. Corona Books, Northampton, pp. 40-52. ISBN 978-1-9996579-2-5
Lee-Price, Simon (2021) Our Own. The Westchester Review, 2021 (Spring).
Lee-Price, Simon (2020) Q&A with Writer-Scholar Simon Lee-Price. Sirius Editorial.
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) The Resurrection of Jane Evans. Torrid Literature Journal. p. 31.
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) Stop Hurting My Child. [Audio]
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) ‘With difficulty and labour hard': Representations of the writer at work. In: Bucks Rehearsal Room, 22 November 2017, Buckinghamshire New University. (Unpublished)
Lee-Price, Simon (2016) Within These Walls. Sein Und Werden. ISSN 2046-8598
Lee-Price, Simon (2015) World's End, Camden Town. Prole Prose and Poetry, 17. pp. 36-46.
Lee-Price, Simon (2020) A Writer’s Work is Never Done. Sirius Editorial.
Lee-Price, Simon (2021) Writing ‘dark fiction’: an autoethnographic reflection. New Writing. pp. 1-13. ISSN 1943-3107
Lee-Price, Simon (2021) Writing ‘dark fiction’: an autoethnographic reflection. New Writing, 20 (1). pp. 29-41. ISSN 1943-3107
Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Writing “Dark Fiction”. In: The Thrill of the Dark: Heritages of Fear, Fascination and Fantasy, 25th -27th April 2019, University of Birmingham, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham.
Lee-Price, Simon (2017) ‘You mean, write like a grown up?': Strategies for developing students’ academic writing’. In: Rising to the challenge: HE in a time of change: Bucks New University Staff Development Conference, 14 September 2017, Buckinghamshire New University. (Unpublished)
Lee-Price, Simon (2016) ‘A horrible, exhausting struggle . . .': What famous authors can teach us about teaching academic writing. In: Writing Development in Higher Education: Spaces and Places to Write, 27-29 June 2016, Plymouth University. (Unpublished)
Tavener-Smith, Taryn (2024) Establishing narrative voice and encountering the ‘I’ through identity creation in life writing. Life Writing. ISSN 1448-4528
Tavener-Smith, Taryn (2021) Transmigration, space and time in Slade House. Interdisciplinary Journal of Mobility Studies. ISSN 2045-4821