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Ab Latib, Hazirah, Cheong, Lum Wai, Halis, Rasmina, Mahamad, Roslan Mohamad, Kasim, Lee Yan Yi, Ratnasingam, Jega and Ioras, Florin (2019) The Prospects of Wooden Building Construction in Malaysia: current State of Affairs. BioResources. ISSN 1930-2126

Ab Latib, Hazirah, Cheong, Lum Wai, Halis, Rasmina, Mohamad Kasim, Mohamad Roslan, Yi, Lee Yan, Ratnasingam, Jegatheswaran and Ioras, Florin (2019) The prospects of wooden building construction in Malaysia: Current state of affairs. BioResources, 14 (4). pp. 9840-9852. ISSN 1930-2126

Addis, Gulen (2019) Good practices in nursing education in the UK. In: 5th National and 1st International Nursing Care Congress, 6-8th December 2019, Antalya. (In Press)

Akkuzu, Gulsum, Aziz, Benjamin and Adda, Mo (2019) Advantages of Having Users' Trust and Reputation Values on Data Sharing Process in Online Social Networks. In: Sixth International Conference on Social Networks Analysis, Management and Security, SNAMS 2019, Granada, Spain, October 22-25, 2019.

Akkuzu, Gulsum, Aziz, Benjamin and Adda, Mo (2019) Fuzzy Logic Decision based Collaborative Privacy Management Framework for Online Social Networks. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, February 23-25, 2019.

Akkuzu, Gulsum, Aziz, Benjamin and Adda, Mo (2019) A Fuzzy Modeling Approach for Group Decision Making in Social Networks. In: Business Information Systems - 22nd International Conference, BIS 2019, Seville, Spain, June 26-28, 2019, Proceedings, Part II.

Al-Haj, Ali and Aziz, Benjamin (2019) Enforcing Multilevel Security Policies in Database-Defined Networks using Row-Level Security. In: 2019 International Conference on Networked Systems, NetSys 2019, Munich, Germany, March 18-21, 2019.

Ali, Naveed (2019) Constructive trusts: Keeping up with the Jones. Trusts and Estates Law and Tax Journal (204).

Annand, Fizz, Duke, Karen, Herring, Rachel, Syreti, Nikoleta, Thom, Betsy and Tzimopoulou, Kalliopi (2019) Drugs education in schools. The Daniel Spargo - Mabbs Programme. [Report]

Ansbro, Maria (2019) Attachment theory and Probation Practice. The Magazine of the Probation Institute, 12.

Ansbro, Maria (2019) A qualitative examination of attachment based concepts in probation supervision. Probation Journal. ISSN 0264-5505

Ark, Chin Khoon, Ratnasingam, Jegatheswaran, Latib, Hazirah Ab, Liat, Lim Choon and Ioras, Florin (2019) Consumer Preferences for Veneer in Wood Products in Malaysia. Novos. Bucks Research and Impact Journal (1). ISSN 2633-2868

Armstrong-James, L., Khine, Ricardo, Thorne, R. J., Tuckey, M. J. E. and Bennett, Claire (2019) Radiotherapy students’ perceptions of support provided by clinical supervisors. Journal of Radiotherapy in Practice, 19 (1). pp. 15-19. ISSN 1460-3969

Attenborough, Julie, Reynolds, Lisa and Nolan, Peter (2019) The Nurses That Roared: Nurses From History Who Found Their Voices and Challenged the Status Quo. Creative Nursing, 25 (1). pp. 67-73. ISSN 1946-1895

Avery, Carla (2019) Supporting Women in Labour – Have we Lost the skill? A Personal Reflection. The Practising Midwife.

Avgeli, Vasiliki, Bakir, Ali and Wickens, Eugenia (2019) Mountainous tourism development in Crete: Local perspective. Journal On Tourism & Sustainability, 2 (2). ISSN 2515-6780 (Submitted)

Aziz, Benjamin, Lee, John Arthur and Akkuzu, Gulsum (2019) Evaluating the Quantity of Incident-Related Information in an Open Cyber Security Dataset. In: Business Information Systems Workshops - BIS 2019 International Workshops, Seville, Spain, June 26-28, 2019, Revised Papers.


Barbieri, Donatella and Crawley, Greer (2019) The scenographic, costumed chorus, agency and the performance of matter: A new materialist approach to costume. International Journal of Fashion Studies, 6 (2). pp. 143-162. ISSN 2051-7106

Bowers, Jake, Greenfields, Margaret, Smith, David and Dagilyte, Egle (2019) The Impact of Migration in the Fenland Area. A scoping report video. [Video]

Broughton, William and Gowens, Paul (2019) Prehospital Trauma Life Support, Ninth Edition. Jones & Bartlett Learning. ISBN 9781284239225

Broughton, William and Harris, Graham (2019) Principles for continuing professional development and lifelong learning in health and social care. [Report]

Broughton, William and Maconochie, Ian (2019) Do paediatric early warning scores relate to emergency department outcomes for children aged 0‐2 years brought in by ambulance? British Paramedic Journal, 3 (4). pp. 8-14. ISSN 1478–4726

Buck, Lyndon and Harlow, Richard (2019) Improvements in water intervention projects through product design methods. In: DS 95: Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Engineering and Product Design Education. E&PDE Ethics and Social Issues 1 . The Design Society University of Strathclyde, Glasgow. ISBN 978-1-912254-05-7

Burton, Jenni Elizabeth (2019) Reframing social work practice education: practice educators’ perceptions of the Professional Capabilities Framework (PCF) and the support provided during implementation. Journal of Social Work Practice, 34 (1). pp. 39-52. ISSN 1465-3885


Carbone, Fabio, Farsani, Neda Torabi, Seyeddi, Peyman and Malek, Anahita (2019) Authenticity and innovation. The future of tourism in Iran. In: Authenticity and Innovation. Bridging Tourism Theory and Practice, 10 . Emerald Publishing Limited, pp. 207-220.

Chance, Helena (2019) Chocolate heaven: productive consumption and corporate power in the recreational landscapes of Cadbury, Bournville and Hershey, Pennsylvania in the early twentieth century. Studies in the History of Gardens & Designed Landscapes, 39 (1). pp. 22-39. ISSN 1943-2186

Chance, Helena (2019) The Social Landscape of the Chilterns Industries. Landscape Research Group.

Chance, Helena and Rajguru, Megha (2019) The Didactic Landscape. Studies in the History of Gardens and Designed Landscapes Special Issue. ISSN 1460-1176

Chapman, NH, Craigon, J, Towey, C, Grant, I and Brewer, J (2019) Exploring the Effects of Tomato Extract Supplementation on Cognitive Function during Exercise and at Rest. Journal of Nutrition and Health Sciences, 6 (2). ISSN 2393-9060

Chappell, Anne and Mahon-Daly, Pat (2019) Capturing the employability in volunteering: Enhancing learning and the CV. In: Advance HE Teaching and Learning Conference 2019, 2 - 4 July 2019, Northumbria University, Newcastle upon Tyne.

Clayton, Ben (2019) Creative nonfiction in outdoor studies. In: Research Methods in Outdoor Studies. Routledge, London, pp. 143-152. ISBN 978 0 429199004

Cook, Neal, Braine, Mary E. and Trout, Ruth (2019) Nurses’ understanding and experience of applying painful stimuli when assessing components of the Glasgow Coma Scale. Journal of Clinical Nursing. ISSN 1365-2702

Craig, Catriona (2019) “Should we fire the canon?: A provocation on popular culture and canonical thinking”. In: Theatre and Performance Research Association (TaPRA) Annual Conference 2017, 4th - 6th September 2019, University of Exeter.

Crawley, Greer (2019) 'The Generous Deceit’ in Every Landscape is A State of Mind. Dulwich Picture Gallery.

Crawley, Greer (2019) Props. Theatre and Performance Design, 5 (1-2). pp. 157-158. ISSN 2332-2578

Crouchman, Carolyn (2019) An Exploration Of The Views, Beliefs And Experiences Of UK Nurses And Midwives About Responding At Out Of Work Situations Where First Aid May Be Required. Doctoral thesis, Buckinghamshire New University (Awarded by the University of Coventry).

Cseh, Genevieve M. and Jeffries, Karl (2019) A Scattered CAT: A Critical Evaluation of the Consensual Assessment Technique for Creativity Research. Psychology of Aesthetics, Creativity, and the Arts, 13 (2). pp. 159-166. ISSN 1931-3896

Cseh, Genevieve M., Smith, Matthew D., Sims, Ceri M. and Worth, Piers (2019) 5th Annual Applied Positive Psychology Symposium. In: 5th Annual Applied Positive Psychology Symposium, 1st June 2019, Buckinghamshire New University High Wycombe.


Dairo, Yetunde Marion, Collett, J. and Dawes, H. (2019) The construct validity and test-retest reliability of a single-item physical activity intention measure for adults with intellectual disabilities. Physiotherapy, 105. e209. ISSN 00319406

Daniel, Emmanuel I., Garcia, Daniel, Marasini, Ramesh, Kolo, Shaba and Oshodi, Olalekan (2019) Improving Construction Management Practice in the Gibraltar Construction Industry. 27th Annual Conference of the IGLC. pp. 539-550. ISSN 2309-0979

Davidson, Anna and Williams, Julia (2019) Factors affecting quality of life in patients experiencing facial disfigurement due to surgery for head and neck cancer. British Journal of Nursing, 28 (3). pp. 180-184. ISSN 2052-2819

Day, Nicholas Martin (2019) Identification and Evaluation of Predictors for Learning Success and of Models for Teaching Computer Programming in Contemporary Contexts. Doctoral thesis, Buckinghamshire New University (Awarded by the University of Coventry).

De Rezende, Helena Aparecida, Melleiro, Marta Maria and Shimoda, Gilceria Tochika (2019) Interventions to reduce patient identification errors in the hospital setting: a systematic review protocol. JBI database of systematic reviews and implementation reports, 17 (1). pp. 37-42. ISSN 2202-4433

Derbyshire, Julie and Hill, Barry (2019) Neurological Disorders. In: Learning to Care: the nursing associate. Elsevier. ISBN 9780702076053

Drinkwater, Kenneth, Laythe, Brian, Houran, James, Dagnall, Neil, OKeeffe, Ciaran and Hill, Sharon A (2019) Exploring Gaslighting Effects via the VAPUS Model for Ghost Narratives. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 19 (2). pp. 143-179. ISSN 1445-2308

Durna, Tuncay (2019) Think Tanks as a public policy actor changing roles. Uluslararası İktisadi ve İdari İncelemeler Dergisi (25). pp. 199-214. ISSN 1307-9832

Dutcă, Ioan (2019) The Variation Driven by Differences between Species and between Sites in Allometric Biomass Models. Forest Ecology and Management (10). ISSN 1999-4907

Dutcă, Ioan, McRoberts, R E, Naesset, Erik and Blujdea, Viorel N.B. (2019) A practical measure for determining if diameter (D) and height (H) should be combined into D2H in allometric biomass models. An International Journal of Forest Research. ISSN 1464-3626

Dziedzic, Marcin, Njoya, Eric T., Warnock-Smith, David and Hubbard, Nick (2019) Determinants of air traffic volumes and structure at small European airports. Research in Transportation Economics. p. 100749. ISSN 07398859


Eaglesfield, S and Stan, Ina (2019) Challenging the Deficit Model across disciplines: The Student Life Board Game. In: Foundation Year Network Conference: Challenging the Deficit Model across Disciplines, 10th - 11th July 2019, University of Sussex.

Edwards, Sharon L, Williams, Joyce and Lee, Mandy (2019) Reducing drug errors by engaging student nurses in medication management simulation. Journal of Prescribing Practice, 1 (7). pp. 344-355. ISSN 2631-8393

Evangelatou, Aphrodite (2019) Awakening the Actor’s Emotional Expressivity: A Psychophysical Approach. Doctoral thesis, Goldsmiths College University of London.

Evangelatou, Aphrodite (2019) Awakening the Actor’s Emotional Expressivity: A Work Demonstration. In: The Makings of the Actor | Towards Contemporary Acting Techniques, Practices & Methodologies, 17-26 July 2019, Athens, Greece.

Evangelatou, Aphrodite (2019) Beyond Exercise: The Pedagogy of Actor Training. In: TaPRA Annual Conference (TaPRA Performer Training Working Group), 4–6 September 2019, University of Exeter.

Evangelatou, Aphrodite (2019) On Actor Training and Pedagogy: Enhancing Students’ Learning Though Encouraging the Accessing of the Flow State (AE) AND Power Play: From Capoeira to Performance (DL). In: TaP Postgraduate Panel: Aphrodite Evangelatou and Dafne Louzioti, 12th March 2019, Goldsmiths University of London.

Evangelatou, Aphrodite (2019) Rhythm and Musicality as Tools for Accessing Acted Emotion. In: International Conference: Rhythm and Resonance in Acting Practice, 8-10 March, Copenhagen Denmark.


Fan, Lampson M., Geng, Li, Cahill-Smith, Sarah, Liu, Fangfei, Douglas, Gillian, Mckenzie, Chris-Anne, Smith, Colin, Brooks, Gavin, Channon, Keith M. and Li, Jian-Mei (2019) Nox2 contributes to age-related oxidative damage to neurons and the cerebral vasculature. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 129 (8). pp. 3374-3386. ISSN 0021-9738

Fang, Yueping and Arya, Farid (2019) Evacuated glazing with tempered glass. Solar Energy, 183. pp. 240-247. ISSN 0038092X

Fields, Paul (2019) Antisocial Justice Warriors: Utilising Punk in the Pursuit of Social Justice. In: Alternative Voices in Academia, 10th September 2019, The National University of Ireland Galway.

Fletcher, Andrew, Mather, Richard and Cable, Tony (2019) Change Detection in Complex Vegetation Communities. [Report]

Fremantle, Paul and Aziz, Benjamin (2019) Deriving event data sharing in IoT systems using formal modelling and analysis. Internet Things, 8.


Garrone, Paola, Piscitello, Lucia and D’Amelio, Matilde (2019) Multinational Enterprises and the Provision of Collective Goods in Developing Countries under Formal and Informal Institutional Voids. The Case of Electricity in Sub-Saharan Africa. Journal of International Management, 25 (2). p. 100650. ISSN 10754253

Giovannoi, Gavin, Noyce, Alastair J, Scheltens, Philip, Berg, Daniela, Brown, Laurie, Dierickx, Kris, Frisoni, Giovanni B, Georges, Jean, Hardy, John, Heilbron, Karl and Trout, Ruth (2019) Time Matters. A call to prioritize brain health. [Report]

Giraldo, Alejandro, Talavera López, Jesús, Brooks, Gavin and Fernández-del-Palacio, María Josefa (2019) Transthoracic Echocardiographic Examination in the Rabbit Model. Journal of Visualized Experiments (148). ISSN 1940-087X

Gormley, Gerard (2019) Odessa. [Composition]

Gormley, Gerard (2019) Odessa. BEAST FeAST 2019. In: BEAST FeAST 2019, 2 - 4 May 2019, Birmingham.

Greenfields, Margaret (2019) Report of a Roundtable Meeting on Access to Higher Education for members of Gypsy, Traveller and Roma (GTR) communities. [Report]

Greenfields, Margaret and Smith, David (2019) “NOTHING NEW UNDER THE SUN”:Romany Gypsies, Travellers and their entwined historical relationships with working-class London communities. International Journal of Roma Studies, 1 (1). p. 5. ISSN 2462-425X

Greenfields, Margaret, Smith, David, Dagilyte, Egle, Ramadan, Semra and Bright, Jana (2019) The impact of migration in the Fenland area. A scoping report. [Report]

Guachalla, Adrian (2019) Approaching the kind tourist: Planet, animals and me in the world of culinary tourism. In: Ninth International Conference on Tourism. International Association for Tourism, 26 - 28 June 2019, Universidade Catolica Portuguesa. Portugal..

Guachalla, Adrian and Gledhill, Maurice (2019) Co-creating learning experiences to support student employability in travel and tourism. Journal of Hospitality, Leisure, Sport and Tourism Education, 25. ISSN 1473-8376


Haizelden, Julia, Marasini, Ramesh and Daniel, Emmanuel (2019) An Analysis of Diversity Management in the Construction Industry: A Case Study of a Main Contractor. In: Proceedings of the 35th Annual ARCOM Conference. ARCOM, Leeds UK, pp. 465-474. ISBN 978-0-9955463-4-9

Halalisan, Aureliu Florin, Popa, B, Heras-Saizarbitoria, I, Ioras, Florin and Abrudan, I. (2019) Drivers, perceived benefits and impacts of FSC chain of custody certification in a challenging sectoral context: the case of Romania. International Forestry Review. ISSN 1465-5489

Hancock, David (2019) The Countercultural Logic of Neoliberalism. Routledge Studies in Social and Political Thought (1). Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 978-0-815360-285

Harding, Robert, Norgren, Andreas, Goodman, Nick and Greenfields, Margaret (2019) Harnessing the Power of Patient Experience. Other. MES Civica Group Company.

Hayes, Sian (2019) Diabetes. In: General Practice Nursing: Foundation Principles. M & K Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 97-106. ISBN 978-1910451-21-2

Hayes, Sian and Duncan, Deborah (2019) Cervical Cytology. In: General Practice Nursing: Foundation Principles. M & K Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 27-34. ISBN 978-1910451-21-2

Hayes, Sian and Duncan, Deborah (2019) Ear Care. In: General Practice Nursing: Foundation Principles. M & K Publishing, Glasgow, pp. 77-84. ISBN 978-1910451-21-2

Hayward, Melanie (2019) Social Media as a supportive learning tool. In: The Social Media for Learning in Higher Education Conference.

Hayward, Melanie (2019) Social Media as a supportive learning tool. In: Annual Astra Partnership Conference, 5th September 2019, High Wycombe.

Hill, Barry (2019) Measuring peak expiratory flow in adults with asthma. British Journal of Nursing, 28 (14). pp. 924-926.

Hill, Barry (2019) Preparing nursing professionals fit for the evolving healthcare landscape. British Journal of Nursing, 28 (4). pp. 264-265.

Homer, Mark (2019) Beach Sprints Rowing: A (2000m) Rowing Physiologist’s Perspective. In: 2019 World Rowing Coaches Conference, 20-22 November 2019, London.

Humberstone, Barbara and Prince, Heather (2019) Research Methods in Outdoor Studies. Routledge. ISBN 978-03-6718-8832


Ifeanyi-ajufo, Nnenna (2019) Online Child Sexual Exploitation: Policing and Prosecuting Child Pornography in Cyberspace. LANCASTER UNIVERSITY GHANA LAW JOURNAL, 5. p. 64. ISSN 2467-8899

Ikechukwu Nwanji, Tony, Howell, Kerry E., Faye, Sainey, Agba, Dominica Z., Adewara, Sunday O, Ishola Lawal, Adedoyin, Olubukola Otekunrin, Adegbola, Awonusi, Frank D and Felix Eluyela, Damilola (2019) Assessment of the Effectiveness of Ethical Corporate Governance in Corporate Decision-Making: A Grounded Theory Approach. Archives of Business Research, 7 (1). pp. 147-168. ISSN 2054-7404 (Submitted)

Iordanova, Elitza and Stainton, Hayley (2019) Cognition, emotion and trust: A comparative analysis of Cambodia’s perceived and projected online image. Tourist Studies. p. 146879761983797. ISSN 1741-3206

Ives, Ben, Clayton, Ben, Brittain, Ian and Mackintosh, Chris (2019) ‘I’ll always find a perfectly justified reason for not doing it’: challenges for disability sport and physical activity in the United Kingdom. Sport in Society. pp. 1-19. ISSN 1743-0445


Jomeen, Julie, Jones, Catriona, Martin, Colin R., Ledger, Sara, Hindle, Grace and Lambert, Carol (2019) The impact of maternity training on knowledge, confidence, and empowerment: A mixed method pilot evaluation. Journal of evaluation in clinical practice, 26 (1). pp. 364-372. ISSN 1365-2753

Jones, Richard E (2019) Teaching with Technology. In: Fit for Future Staff Development Conference, Buckinghamshire New University.

Jubb, Caroline, Bell, Leann, Cimelli, Sonja and Wolman, Roger (2019) Injury Patterns in Hip Hop Dancers. Journal of Dance Medicine & Science, 23 (4). pp. 145-149. ISSN 1089-313X

Jubb, Caroline, Wolman, Roger and Cullen, Nicholas (2019) A retrospective study to investigate the management of posterior ankle impingement in a NHS orthopedic hospital. In: International Association for Dance and Medicine Annual Conference, 24 - 27 October 2019, Montreal, Canada.


Kalpaxi, Elisavet (2019) Photography and Museums of Mutuality. A Metaphor. Stedelijk Studies. ISSN 2405-7177

Kaner, Jake, Maestre, Rafael, Lameski, Petre, Isaacson, Michal, Taveter, Kuldar, Tomesone, Signe, Maresova, Petra, Burnard, Micheal and Melero, Francisco (2019) SHELDON Smart habitat for the elderly. [Report]

Kelly, Jem (2019) The Palimpsestic Pop Music Video: Intermediality and Hypermedia. In: The Bloomsbury Handbook of Popular Music Video Analysis. Bloomsbury Publishing, pp. 219-234. ISBN 978 1 5013 4233 2

Khine, Ricardo (2019) Who do you think you are? Exploring the concept of professional identity within the Consultant Therapeutic Radiographer role. In: The Society and College of Radiographers Annual Radiotherapy Conference,.

King, Liz (2019) Exploring student nurses' and their link lecturers' experiences of reasonable adjustments in clinical placement. British Journal of Nursing, 28 (17). pp. 1130-1134. ISSN 2052-2819

Koshy, Aaron, Okwose, Nduka C, Nunan, David, Toms, Anet, Brodie, David, Doherty, Patrick, Seferovic, Petar, Ristic, Arsen, Velicki, Lazar, Filipovic, Nenad, Popovic, Dejana, Skinner, Jane, Bailey, Kristian, MacGowan, Guy A and Jakovljevic, Djordje G (2019) Association between heart rate variability and haemodynamic response to exercise in chronic heart failure. Scandinavian Cardiovascular Journal. pp. 1-20. ISSN 1651-2006


Leah, Vicki (2019) Maintaining my relative’s personhood: A mixed method design. Doctoral thesis, Buckinghamshire New University (Awarded by Coventry University).

Lee, Sua (2019) Sustainable Design Approaches Using Waste Furniture Materials for Design Practitioners. Doctoral thesis, Buckinghamshire New University (Awarded by Coventry University).

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Banal Truths and Beautiful Lies. Novos. Bucks Research and Impact Journal (1). ISSN 2633-2868

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Beechwood. Foreign Literary Journal, 1 (Winter). pp. 109-122.

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Best Possible of Worlds. In: Hidden Histories. Third Flatiron Publishing, Boulder, Colorado, pp. 107-114.

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Culture/Politics of Trauma. In: 8th annual London Conference in Critical Thought, 5th- 6th July 2019, Goldsmiths University, London.

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Just So. In: Tall Tales & Short Stories: A Flash Fiction Anthology. Escaped Ink, Nottingham, pp. 45-47. ISBN 978-1916230101

Lee-Price, Simon (2019) Writing “Dark Fiction”. In: The Thrill of the Dark: Heritages of Fear, Fascination and Fantasy, 25th -27th April 2019, University of Birmingham, Birmingham and Midland Institute, Birmingham.

Leet, Sri-Kartini (2019) Reflections on Active Blended Learning: Bridging HE and industry. In: Reflections on Active Blended Learning in Practice: Learning and Teaching Conference 2019, 18th June 2019, University of Northampton.


Malik, Ali, Aziz, Benjamin and Adda, Mo (2019) Towards filling the gap of routing changes in software-defined networks. In: Proceedings of the Future Technologies Conference (FTC) 2018: Volume 2.

Malik, Ali, Aziz, Benjamin, Adda, Mo and Ke, Chih-Heng (2019) Smart Routing: Towards Proactive Fault-Handling in Software-Defined Networks. CoRR, abs/19.

Malik, Ali, Aziz, Benjamin, Al-Haj, Ali and Adda, Mo (2019) Software-defined networks: A walkthrough guide from occurrence To data plane fault tolerance. PeerJ Prepr., 7. e27624.

Maloret, Paul (2019) Mental health inpatient experience of patients with autistic spectrum conditions : a phenomenological study. Doctoral thesis, University of Hertfordshire.

Mariampillai, John (2019) Functional value in higher education: perspectives from students studying business management degrees in the UK. Novos. Research and Impact Journal (1). ISSN 2633-2868

Mariampillai, John (2019) Private Providers and the Expansion of Collaborative Higher Education in the UK: Unintended Effects Of Deregulation? Advances in Social Sciences Research Journal, 6 (9). ISSN 2055-0286

Mariampillai, John (2019) Understanding students’ perception of value perspectives from partner college students studying business management degrees in the UK. Journal of Higher Education Service Science and Management, 2 (3). ISSN 2631-9837

Marogel Popa, Tiberiu, Cheta, Marius, Viorela Marcu, Marina, Ionut Duta, Cristian, Ioras, Florin and Alexandru Bora, Stelian (2019) Manual Cultivation Operations in Poplar Stands: A Characterization of Job Difficulty and Risks of Health Impairment. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. ISSN 1660-4601

McGorrian, Tom (2019) Developing documentary practices for sensitive contexts: video ethnography in the UK Hospice sector. Doctoral thesis, Middlesex University London.

Milic, Nela (2019) Mini Monuments for Olga Jevrić. In: UNSPECIFIED.

Milic, Nela (2019) Ruins as Backdrops of memory. In: Memory Studies Annual Conference (MSA).

Milic, Nela (2019) Text Illuminations. [Show/Exhibition]

Milic, Nela (2019) Undoing the War via Participatory Practice. In: Participatory Arts for Invisible Communities. Omnimedia, Zagreb, Croatia, pp. 199-203.

Milic, Nela, Biagioli, Monica and Grimaldi, Silvia (2019) Editorial for the Special Issue: London Design Festival at LCC. Organizational Aesthetics, 8 (2).

Mohasseb, Alaa, Aziz, Benjamin, Jung, Jeyong and Lee, Julak (2019) Predicting CyberSecurity Incidents using Machine Learning Algorithms: A Case Study of Korean SMEs. In: Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Information Systems Security and Privacy, ICISSP 2019, Prague, Czech Republic, February 23-25, 2019.

Morgan, Paul BC, Fletcher, David and Sarkar, Mustafa (2019) Developing Team Resilience: A Season-long Study of Psychosocial Enablers and Strategies in a High-Level Sports Team. Psychology of Sport & Exercise, 45. 0-0. ISSN 1469-0292

Moss, Gloria (2019) Inclusive Leadership. Routledge, Abingdon. ISBN 9781138090576


Nassioula, Kyriaki, Ananiadou Anastasia Valsamaki, Mins, Pantazara, Argyris, Vanger, Jeph, Miquelon, Agisilaos, Kouteridou, Dimitra and Angeli, Argyris (2019) "Spatial Performance": Two-day cross-sectional performances in Romavcu. [Performance]

Nevin, Jonpaul (2019) Auto-Regulated Resistance Training. Does Velocity-Based Training Represent the Future? Strength and Conditioning Journal. ISSN 1524-1602

Newitt, Lee, Worth, Piers and Smith, Matthew D. (2019) Narrative identity: from the inside out. Counselling Psychology Quarterly, 32 (3-4). pp. 488-501. ISSN 1469-3674

Nichols, Bill (2019) Making a Personal Difference: Communications in Healthcare. Journal of Innovative Business and Management, 11 (1). pp. 25-37. ISSN 1855-6175

Nicolls, Barbara and Wright, Jane (2019) The ePortfolio Bridge to Professional Proficiency: An Evaluation. The Association for Authentic, Experiential and Evidence-Based Learning (AAEEBL) ePortfolio Review, 3 (1). pp. 41-52.


OKeeffe, Ciaran (2019) “Meme-Spirited”. II. Illustrating the VAPUS Model for Ghost Narratives. Australian Journal of Parapsychology, 19 (1). pp. 5-43. ISSN 1445-2308

OKeeffe, Ciaran (2019) The Psychology of Decision-Making in Critical Incidents. In: Sandhurst Leadership Series: Volume 1: The Thinking Leader. Howgate Publishing. (In Press)

OKeeffe, Ciaran, Houran, James, Houran, Damien J., Dagnall, Neil, Drinkwater, Kenneth, Sheridan, Lorraine and Laythe, Brian (2019) The Dr. John Hall story: a case study in putative “Haunted People Syndrome”. Mental Health, Religion & Culture, 22 (9). pp. 910-929. ISSN 1469-9737

OKeeffe, Ciaran, Thompson, Kristin, Smith, Matthew D. and Cseh, Genevieve M. (2019) Providing Transformative ‘Exceptional Human Experiences’ in undergraduate Psychology teaching. In: VR Conference 2018, 12th September 2018, Swansea University.

Omani-Samani, Reza, Hollins Martin, Caroline J., Martin, Colin R., Maroufizadeh, Saman, Ghaheri, Azadeh and Navid, Behnaz (2019) The Birth Satisfaction Scale-Revised Indicator (BSS-RI): a validation study in Iranian mothers. The journal of maternal-fetal & neonatal medicine : the official journal of the European Association of Perinatal Medicine, the Federation of Asia and Oceania Perinatal Societies, the International Society of Perinatal Obstetricians. pp. 1-5. ISSN 1476-4954

Orton, Lois, Andersen de Cuevas, Rachel, Stojanovski, Kristefer, Gamella, Juan F, Greenfields, Margaret, La Parra, Daniel, Marcu, Oana, Matras, Yaron, Donert, Celia, Frost, Diane, Robinson, Jude, Rosenhaft, Eve, Salway, Sarah, Sheard, Sally, Such, Elizabeth, Taylor-Robinson, David and Whitehead, Margaret (2019) Roma populations and health inequalities: a new perspective. International Journal of Human Rights in Healthcare, 12 (5). pp. 319-327. ISSN 2056-4902

Outhwaite, William and Smith, Kenneth (2019) Karl Marx, Le Capital. Review of Radical Political Economics, 52 (2). pp. 208-221. ISSN 1552-8502


Page, Damien (2019) The academic as consumed and consumer. Journal of Education Policy, 35 (5). pp. 585-601. ISSN 0268-0939

Park, Laura, Allan, Jaden and Hill, Barry (2019) Data gathering and patient monitoring. In: Learning to Care: the nursing associate. Elsevier, pp. 223-236. ISBN 9780702076053

Pimm, Theo John, Williams, Laura Juliette, Reay, Megan, Pickering, Stephen, Lota, Ranjeeta, Coote, Laura, Maloney, Ciara, Hancock, David and Sarhan, Firas (2019) An evaluation of a digital pain management programme: clinical effectiveness and cost savings. British Journal of Pain. p. 204946371986528. ISSN 2049-4645

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